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Biblical References

Being aware/paying attention

The Bible gives many examples of how we can learn more about God by being attentive to the world around us, not only in the vastness and beauty but also in the small details. From the majesty of the heavens ( Ps. 19.1), to the birds of the air and the lilies of the field (Matt. 6.25-33); from a tiny grain of mustard seed (Matt. 13.31-32) to the effect of leaven (Matt. 13.33-35) and the impact of salt (Matt. 5.13).

Authentic experience

Jesus' spiritual teaching was grounded in the real-life experience and daily concerns of his listeners. For example, the challenges farmers face with sowing seed (Matt. 13.1-9; cf. Mk. 4.1-20), a sheep that strays from the flock and gets lost (Matt.18.12-14), a headstrong son (Lk. 15.11-32), physical thirst  and hunger (Jn. 6.35).


Jesus declared that he had not come to abolish the Jewish Law and the message of the Old Testament prophets but to 'fulfil' them, i.e. to show what it really meant to live by the spirit and not the letter of the Law (Matt. 5.17-20).

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